Frequently Asked Questions
What can coaching help me with?
So many things!
resolving sexual anxiety and dysfunction
increased sexual enjoyment
difficulty orgasming/orgasming too quickly
pain during sex
body image issues
social and dating skills deficit
reviving desire/combating Dead Bedroom Syndrome
opening up a relationship
dating after divorce
sexual discovery for couples
kink, fantasies, & swinging
Is coaching for me?
To find out if I’m the right fit for you and your concerns, I offer a free 20 minute consultation. You can contact me at or call 512-655-9336.
do we get naked? Do things get sexy?
I am a professional sex coach who does “neck up” work only. In other words, we talk a lot with our clothes on and while no topic is off limits, our clothes always remain on and our hands to ourselves (and on the table). No sexual activity of any kind is permitted during a session. I leave body work to the experts trained in that kind of specialty.
How can i improve my sex life just by talking about it?
The brain is the largest sexual organ and is the key to pleasure and satisfaction. It also houses our beliefs, hopes, and fears about sex, therefore talking is key to understanding it all.
How long will it take for me to achieve my goals?
It depends on the goal and you. You get out of it what you put into it. Some people feel pretty damn great after a couple of sessions. Others need a package or two.
What can i expect during a session?
Sessions are talk-based and I draw on my years of experience to help you open up to achieve your goals. We’ll review any homework assignments and talk about new homework. I am a collaborative coach and meet you wherever you need me, so I don’t have a set one-plan-for-all. I flow with you and your needs.
I’m a virgin (or have very little experience with sex). Is coaching for me?
Yes! No matter how experienced or inexperienced you may be, a sex coach is a wonderful resource to have in your back pocket as you navigate your body, the body of a new partner, and the dating world in general. Everyone can use some support while they explore!
my partner doesn’t want to open our relationship/get kinky/do that-thing-I-really-want-to-do. Will coaching change his or her mind?
I’m not in the business of changing anyone’s minds, but I will do my best to educate and explore all the issues at hand. It may be that you two aren’t ready yet (or it may never be a good idea for you) or maybe there’s just a misconception that needs to be cleared up. In either case, I’m here to help educate and guide, not force anyone to do something they don’t want to do.
do you take insurance? What about accepting an hsa card?
No, I do not accept insurance, however some insurance plans cover coaching, but not many. If yours does, you can file an out-of-network claim with them and get reimbursed for the full fee you paid me at the time of service. You’ll have to check to see if your HSA card covers coaching, as well.
I’m going to be in austin or live there. Do you see people in person?
Normally I do! But due to COVID-19 my entire practice is online via Zoom.
who do you work with?
Anyone anywhere in the whole world! That’s the brilliant thing about coaching - it’s truly an international service and none of us are limited by where we live!
What’s the difference between coaching and counseling?
Coaches motivate and encourage people to achieve specific goals in shorter periods of time. It does not involve identifying and reducing symptoms associated with past traumas or mental illness.
Counselors can assess, diagnose, and treat mental illness. As such, therapists often focus their work on identifying and reducing symptoms. They also spend significant time working through the past in order to achieve a client’s goals in the future.